Produse pentru nume etichete cod promo (29)

Etichete de date variabile

Etichete de date variabile

If you want to keep your internal processes, your production line or the transport of your goods to their destination running smoothly and efficiently, professional aids such as suitable labels are indispensable. With the right labels, you can check the sequence of goods or see the whereabouts and progress of all goods en route to the point of arrival at any time. With special, continuous or variable markings, every product that has ever left your company can be identified again at any time — with the help of professional labels from Förster.
Insigne de nume de la DURABLE, DURABLE - Insigne de nume cu și fără prindere

Insigne de nume de la DURABLE, DURABLE - Insigne de nume cu și fără prindere

Order name badges online from DURABLE Whether with pin, magnet, clip or clip - choose your suitable name badge and lay the foundation for successful communication and identification. As name badge experts, DURABLE offers the right solution for every application. Whether for conferences & seminars, trade fairs & events, gastronomy or healthcare: The name badge series offer a wide range for every need thanks to different sizes and materials. For example, a simple and practical name badge is the right choice for mass events, while the CLASSIC name badges with their high-quality look are ideal for representative purposes. For direct attachment to clothing, the name badges with magnet, combination clip, clip and much more offer the right fastening option for everyone. Alternatively, name badges with a textile strap or chain can also be used. Colour:transparent Material:plastics Reference:812319
Etichete Suspendate LUNA

Etichete Suspendate LUNA

ohne Faden auf Rolle
Etichete de nume individuale

Etichete de nume individuale

En el ámbito profesional o privado, en muchas ocasiones es útil utilizar una etiqueta de nombre: para marcar la ropa, para pegar o como etiqueta de puerta. Elije entre diferentes materiales y configure sus etiquetas de nombre directamente en nuestra tienda web. Puede elegir entre diferentes tipos de letra y añadir un motivo o subir su propio diseño directamente. No hay límites para su creatividad. En la imagen de vista previa puede ver directamente cómo se verá su etiqueta de nombre. Sólo pruébelo. País de fabricación:Alemania Pedido mínimo:Depende del material
Etichete Cheie PVC Eco - Autoadezive

Etichete Cheie PVC Eco - Autoadezive

Etiquettes clés en PVC souple avec languette spécialement conçues pour le rangement des clés à l'atelier. Chaque étiquette comprend un espace pour écrire des informations d'identification claires. Modèle économique et pratique. S’utilise avec un feutre indélébile réf PA33. Matière PVC souple. Trou d'accroche. Référence:M25JSP Largeur:40 millimètres Longueur:150 millimètres Expédition:48h (selon les stocks disponibles) Prix vert:Oui (Produit ne pouvant bénéficier d'aucune réduction commerciale supplémentaire)
Carduri cu coduri de bare - Tipărirea profesională a codurilor de bare și a codurilor QR pe carduri din plastic

Carduri cu coduri de bare - Tipărirea profesională a codurilor de bare și a codurilor QR pe carduri din plastic

Barcodes can be read by machines and can be used in various applications:in merchandise management systems as well as an economic alternative to magnetic stripes on Client cards for example. Access control and ticketing systems work reliably with Barcodes - the use is very common. According to the purpose Barcodes are generated in different types. Barcodes for the grocery trade consist of 8 or 13 digits, the barcodes are submitted in Germany by the CCG in Cologne. In the pharnaceutical industry the so called NDC or PIP Code is encrypted in the Barcode and in the field of transports there are more and more two-dimensioned Codes used. Usually the Plastic cards are printed in Offset and afterwards the Barcode or QR-Code is printed individually on each card. We follow strictly the specification of the customer for the type of Barcode and only after the verification on the reading device the personalisation starts. For higher volumes the personalisation is made in High-Secure process...
Etichetă TE_iD

Etichetă TE_iD

Seit Dezember 2016 werden alle thermo-control Körtvélyessy GmbH Thermoelementen und Sauerstoff-Kombisensoren mit Kalibrierzertifikat mit entsprechenden QR-Codes versehen. Zum Schutz der Label werden diese im Innern des Anschlusskopfes angebracht. Mit diesem Code können Sie kostenlos die Produktdaten direkt aus der Fertigungs-Datenbank einsehen. Zusätzlich können, gegen ein einmaliges Entgelt, die entsprechenden Kalibrierdaten und Zertifikate freigeschaltet werden. Diese können dann zu jeder Zeit und ohne Begrenzung verwendet werden, um z.B. die Daten des Thermoelementes bei den regelmäßigen Prüfmessungen oder Audits parat zu haben. Zusammenfassung: - Die TE_iD ist eine Schnittstelle zu einer Datenbank welche von thermo-control gepflegt wird. - Diese Datenbank enthält die Fertigungs- und Kalibrierdaten eines thermo-control Thermoelementes. - Mit Hilfe der Seriennummer des...
Insigne Nominative Premium Impress - 75 X 38 mm

Insigne Nominative Premium Impress - 75 X 38 mm

Les badges permanents Premium Impress sont conçus pour offrir une excellente première impression. Personnalisables avec des logos, images ou drapeaux, ils sont idéaux pour le personnel en contact avec la clientèle. Leur grande qualité et résistance à l'usure garantissent une présentation soignée. Grâce à une technologie d'impression numérique avancée, ils permettent d'intégrer des éléments graphiques de haute qualité pour une personnalisation optimale.
etichete din satin - etichete pentru îmbrăcăminte

etichete din satin - etichete pentru îmbrăcăminte

Ons assortiment omvat katoenen, geweven, kartonnen, satijnen labels, rubber/siliconen labels en productdoos. Deze labels zijn ontworpen met kenmerken die waarde toevoegen aan uw producten en de identiteit van uw merk versterken. Bovendien kunnen ze worden aangepast om aan de verwachtingen van uw klanten te voldoen. Met jarenlange ervaring leggen we bij ons bedrijf de nadruk op klanttevredenheid, met gegarandeerde tijdige levering en concurrerende prijzen. U kunt onze website bekijken voor meer informatie over de kwaliteit en professionaliteit van onze producten. Als u geïnteresseerd bent, staan we klaar om een gedetailleerde offerte te verstrekken en aan uw behoeften te voldoen.
ETICHETĂ DIN CARTON - Etichetă din carton (Accesoriu textil)

ETICHETĂ DIN CARTON - Etichetă din carton (Accesoriu textil)

Karton Etiket (Tekstil aksesuarı)
Etichete textile, etichete de îngrijire, etichete de spălare, măști de față, etichete de cusut, TKG!

Etichete textile, etichete de îngrijire, etichete de spălare, măști de față, etichete de cusut, TKG!

Textiletiketten werden in vielen unterschiedlichen Bereichen eingesetzt. Textile Kennzeichnung, Pflegehinweise, sowie Größenangaben im textilen Bereich wie Kleidung, Mundschutz und weiteres
Etichete Textile 1

Etichete Textile 1

We offer a dynamic, responsive and friendly service that customers can rely on, focusing on providing you with the labels you want, on the budget you need, in the most perfect way. We give the same attention to every order we receive and we are proud that the vast majority of our customers have been with us for many years.
Tipărire etichetă

Tipărire etichetă

• Quality and purposeful production • Fast and timely delivery • Reasonable prices • Product variety • Good customer relations • Proper packaging • And many more reasons…
Etichete și etichete țesute - Accesorii pentru îmbrăcăminte

Etichete și etichete țesute - Accesorii pentru îmbrăcăminte

cartellini ed etichette per abbigliamento
ETICHETĂ DIN PVC PLASTIC - Dimensiune standard

ETICHETĂ DIN PVC PLASTIC - Dimensiune standard

Etiquettes PVC Angles arrondis, forme standard , avec ou sans impression - avec trou ou sans trou
Etichete pentru Umerașe - Etichete din Plastic pentru Umerașe / Umerașe pentru Haine / Umerașe pentru Paltoane

Etichete pentru Umerașe - Etichete din Plastic pentru Umerașe / Umerașe pentru Haine / Umerașe pentru Paltoane

Segnataglie in plastica per appendini, disponibili in più di 80 colori, con stampa o neutre. Realizzabili in plastica tradizionale o riciclata.
carte de vizită - cărți de hârtie de afaceri

carte de vizită - cărți de hârtie de afaceri

paper business cards with specific papers, matte lamination, spot UV etc.
Card de Salut 6

Card de Salut 6

Waving Card 6
Card de Salut 4

Card de Salut 4

Waving Card 4
Etichete de Nume Personalizate

Etichete de Nume Personalizate

Beruflich oder privat, bei vielen Gelegenheiten ist es hilfreich ein individuelles Namensschild zu verwenden: zur Kennzeichnung von Kleidung, zum Anstecken oder als Türschild. Wähle aus unterschiedlichen Materialen und konfiguriere deine Namensschilder direkt bei uns im Webshop. Du kannst aus unterschiedlichen Schriftarten wählen und ein Motiv hinzufügen oder du lädst direkt deinen eigenen Entwurf hoch. Deiner Kreativität sind keine Grenzen gesetzt. Im Vorschaubild siehst du direkt wie dein Namenschild aussehen wird. Probiere es einfach aus. Herkunftsland:Deutschland Mindestbestellmenge:hängt vom Material ab
Etichete, etichete și panglici cu logo-ul tău

Etichete, etichete și panglici cu logo-ul tău

Per conferire una certa visibilità tue creazioni individuali e anche come branding, le etichette tessili, hang tag o nastri con logo proprio sono praticamente indispensabili. Finalmente il tuo marchio sarà perfettamente in scena. Le etichette e nastri con design proprio hanno sempre un aspetto molto professionale. Il nostro configuratore ti mostra fedelmente quale aspetto avranno le tue etichette, cartellini e nastri finite. Devi solo caricare il tuo logo o motivo - un gioco da ragazzi! Paese di origine:Germania Quantità minima d'ordine:dipende dal materiale
etichete din bumbac - etichete pentru îmbrăcăminte

etichete din bumbac - etichete pentru îmbrăcăminte

Ons assortiment omvat katoenen, geweven, kartonnen, satijnen labels, rubber/siliconen labels en productdoos. Deze labels zijn ontworpen met kenmerken die waarde toevoegen aan uw producten en de identiteit van uw merk versterken. Bovendien kunnen ze worden aangepast om aan de verwachtingen van uw klanten te voldoen. Met jarenlange ervaring leggen we bij ons bedrijf de nadruk op klanttevredenheid, met gegarandeerde tijdige levering en concurrerende prijzen. U kunt onze website bekijken voor meer informatie over de kwaliteit en professionaliteit van onze producten. Als u geïnteresseerd bent, staan we klaar om een gedetailleerde offerte te verstrekken en aan uw behoeften te voldoen.
Etichete din piele sintetică gravate cu laser

Etichete din piele sintetică gravate cu laser

Incidiamo fedelmente il tuo design tramite computer sulle etichette, toppe, applicazioni o sugli hang tag realizzati con materiali esclusivi, per regalarti una visibilità senza precedenti. Puoi scegliere tra le nostre forme e caricare ciascuna(!) delle forme desiderate sotto forma di file. I contorni del tuo marchio vengono tagliati a laser, le immagini sono incise a laser. I fori di montaggio sono laserati direttamente; dimensioni fori per etichette 1,5mm, per cartellini 3,5mm. L’alternativa alla pelle vera, vegana e resistente al lavaggio: la pregiata pelle sintetica che utilizziamo per i nostri marchi Corinera è composta al 100% da poliuretano e priva di sostanze nocive come attesta il certificato. Con uno spessore di circa 1mm e una struttura superficiale dall’aspetto autentico, non ha nulla da invidiare alla pelle vera, poiché è anche morbida al tatto. Inoltre è lavabile fino a 60°C, resistente all’abrasione e quindi perfettamente adatta per impreziosire capi di abbigliamento. Paese di origine:Germania Quantità minima d'ordine:da 1 pezzo
Etichete / Pandantive din diferite materiale - Alegeți din diferite materiale, fonturi, designuri și forme

Etichete / Pandantive din diferite materiale - Alegeți din diferite materiale, fonturi, designuri și forme

With Corinera labels, we offer you something that no-one else can: unique, laser-engraved labels made from leather, artificial leather, wood, FloraPap or metal. We will burn your design with computer-controlled precision into labels or hangtags made from exclusive materials with a unique recognition value. Almost everything is possible. You can choose from our shapes or upload any(!) desired shape as a file. The contours of your labels are cut with the laser, the images are engraved with the laser. Mounting holes are directly lasered; hole size for labels 1.5mm, for hangtags 3.5mm. Think outside the box and give your product an unusual eye-catching label! Country of origin:Germany Minimum order quantity:Starting from 1 piece
Etichete FloraPap gravate cu laser - Alegeți dintre diferite fonturi, designuri și forme sau încărcați propriul logo.

Etichete FloraPap gravate cu laser - Alegeți dintre diferite fonturi, designuri și forme sau încărcați propriul logo.

We will burn your design with computer-controlled precision into labels or hangtags made from exclusive materials with a unique recognition value. Almost everything is possible. You can choose from our shapes or upload any(!) desired shape as a file. The contours of your labels are cut with the laser, the images are engraved with the laser. Mounting holes are directly lasered; hole size for labels 1.5mm, for hangtags 3.5mm. Think outside the box and give your product an unusual eye-catching label! Sustainable and animal-friendly: FloraPap is the new trend product for the DIY sector. We now offer our tried and tested material in four versions and under an international brand name. This modern, vegan material is made from recycled paper and latex. After a few washes, it takes on a leather-like structure with an attractive vintage look. With a thickness of 0.55mm the material can easily be sewn or attached, by hand or machine, to all of your handmade products. Country of origin:Germany Minimum order quantity:Starting from 1 piece
Etichete de îngrijire profesionale - Toate informațiile de pe o etichetă de lenjerie: adăugați simboluri de spălare

Etichete de îngrijire profesionale - Toate informațiile de pe o etichetă de lenjerie: adăugați simboluri de spălare

Who made it? How do I treat it? What is it made of? You can easily answer these important customer questions with a professional laundry label. At the same time you fulfill the legal requirements of the textile labeling obligations. Just upload your logo - or use the text boxes in the configurator to perpetuate information about yourself and about the composition of your textiles in accordance with the regulations for care labels. All care symbols can be selected in the legally prescribed order. If you mention care symbols, all five categories must be used (washing, bleaching, drying, ironing and cleaning). Choose the appropriate care symbol fitting your textiles. The printed professional care labels made of polyester satin are extremely durable, lightfast, abrasion-resistant and washable up to 60°C. We offer two qualities to choose from. You can design all product versions online from one piece and order directly. Country of origin:Germany Minimum Order Quantity :Starting from 1 piece
Etichete de carton 6

Etichete de carton 6

Brand and price card labels are normally used in the textile industry for differentiating products and providing information about each product and brand visibility for customers. We have the best and a wide range of materials, colors, printing techniques and coatings to produce and customize labels at the highest level.
Etichete gravate cu laser

Etichete gravate cu laser

Mit individuell gestalteten Corinera Etiketten, Hangtags und Anhängern bieten wir dir etwas, das sonst niemand hat: einzigartige, lasergravierte Label aus Leder, Kunstleder, FloraPap, Holz und Metall. Wir brennen dein Design mit computergesteuerter Präzision in Etiketten, Patches, Applikationen oder Hangtags aus exklusiven Materialien mit einem unvergleichlichen Wiedererkennungswert. Hier ist fast alles möglich. Du kannst aus unseren Formen wählen oder jede(!) gewünschte Form als Datei hochladen. Die Konturen deiner Label werden mit dem Laser geschnitten, die Darstellungen werden mit dem Laser graviert. Befestigungslöcher lasern wir direkt mit; Lochgröße bei Etiketten 1,5mm, bei Hangtags 3,5mm. Think outside the box und verpasse deinem Produkt einen außergewöhnlichen Hingucker! Herkunftsland:Deutschland Mindestbestellmenge:ab 1 Stück